Archives: underwater

school of tarpon fish swimming underwater

It was a calm, cool and beautiful afternoon and a full moon would be rising in a couple of hours. I decided I would set up a shot of the rising moon with an idea I had in mind. The winds were out of the west, which meant incoming jets to Palm Beach International would be approaching from the east and in-line with a big orange moon. Furthermore this time of year large flocks of turkey vultures congregate on the mangrove islands that lie between West Palm Beach and Palm Beach. At times when the wind is moderate to high… Continue reading 

One view of two distinct worlds; one above water and the other below the water. In one there is a lady paddling a surfboard and in the other there is a second lady casually swimming underneath the first. Both women are stylish in their posture, confident in their concentration and each one effortlessly propels herself through the water.

So what makes a school of mullet swim at a frantic pace and jump out of the water? Well, I might have one answer. It was a beautiful September afternoon at Reef Road in Palm Beach, Florida that saw glassy four foot waves rolling in and a plethora of surfers maneuvering to ride them. The conditions were excellent for water photography and with water housing in hand and fins on feet I swam out to capture some of the action. As the afternoon rolled on I began to notice large black shadows moving underneath the surface of the water, which… Continue reading 

Here are a series of photographs that I made on two consecutive cold winter days in South Florida. The weather was unusually cold for these parts with north west winds and clear atmospheric conditions. Furthermore short period swells were constantly coming on-shore. The effect of all this was crystal clear water, small waves and off-shore winds that smoothed the surface of the ocean. The waves where beautiful but lacked energy and were too small to photograph in their entirety. However the conditions and light were almost perfect and there was something I needed to focus the camera on.