Archives: woman

woman on train track

Imagine if you are the conductor of a freight train and cruising along  with not much going on and maybe even bored with the day’s monotonous clanking of the wheels. You suddenly take a glance down the track and you see a sight that is quite the contrary to any you’ve seen the last few hours and for that matter in the ten years you’ve been on the job.

Woman standing under tree

There’s this vine engulfed tree that for months and even years has captured my imagination. It sits not far from my house and I drive by it periodically. I’ve asked those that life near it about it but they know very little. All I know is that this tree sits on an empty, sand filled lot and is clothed in a strange vine. No one is sure the type of tree it is nor of the vine. All anyone knows is that the tree still stands and the vine no matter how many times it’s cut back just keeps on… Continue reading